Gaming, reading, making people laugh, riding my bike, making Warcraft III custom maps, computers, movie making/editing, animation, 3D-Modeling, music, band, graduating, becoming a Pro-gamer
George Lucas, ILM Technicians, Bill Gates, Fatality
Superchic[k], Audio Adrenaline, Jazz, Chronic Future, Dr. Bombay, Soundtracks, Chronicles of Narnia, Black Knight Soundtrack, Dance to the Music
Star Wars (both Trilogies), The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, National Treasure, A Knight's Tale, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, And Now for Something Completely Different, I-Robot, Young Frankenstein
News, CSI, NCIS, AFV, History Channel, Mythbusters, Military Channel
Redwall Series, Star Wars: Expanded Universe, Harry Potter, any book laying around
Holy Trinity, my dad, my brother, Andrew Prather, Eric Von Strausenburger... Becken, lolz FATALITY for being the first American Pro-gamer