Para-Boston is a paranormal investigation team based in Boston Massachusetts. Our members share the belief that credible investigations of hauntings and supernatural phenomena require a skillfully coordinated study consisting of scientific techniques. Our investigators are trained to gather quantifiable information that may just as easily challenge as support results.How can we help you? Are you experiencing paranormal activity in your surroundings? Are you bothered by its presence? Would you like someone try to identify and explain the phenomena? Our services address all facets of the paranormal experience. Our commitment is to do what it takes to get to the core of the haunting. We use current technologies and equipment operated by experienced investigators. At no cost, investigating ghosts, spirits, and uncanny phenomena is our pleasure and our passion. We are discreet, professional, and always mindful of your safety.
If you feel you have paranormal activity in your home, please contact us at Para-BostonWe do not charge for our services and are here to help. All client information will be kept confidential.
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14 Degrees: A Paranormal Documentary (trailer)