Los Feo Faces profile picture

Los Feo Faces

About Me

"Yeah, I'm just too cool...I go to your pool, no undies? No problem, dude." -Thurmen MermenLos Feo Faces is a collection of artists and musicians, hand-picked by the almighty tendril of coconuts and shit like that. We write on things, we rip up emcees on the microphone, and sometimes we make music. Brah, if we had one skunk with rabies, that motherfucker would be sked fo go on da mic yadidamean? MOthrafucka.

My Interests


Member Since: 06/06/2008
Band Members: Feo Faces consists of several fuckloads of artists, musicians and maybe even a DJ or two. So far its something like:-Nabahe/InaleckthaReject -Jackson Helm/bigMOX/i@t/ -Fhidel -Verble -Danny Tanga -Mars -Obese Jesus/Thurmen Murmen/Basik One -Parlous/Parloso -Awk The Building Block -Nepok -Ape9 -Hum Drummin -Devon -Everybody Knows -Yeyo The Bear/Afie -Riff Raff -Nice1 -Alla/Lost -Dj Sir Style -OK/Can -Eon -Hooe -Krystliez -Dj Flip
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Record Label: Unsigned

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