Anyone who knows me understands that I am unique in many ways. I don't follow the lead of others, more a day to day challenge of improving myself. Not to be preachy (although I believe in God), we all chose our own path. I believe strongly in self accoutability and responsibilty. My sons are my biggest motivating factor, although I have always been extremely motivated and successful at whatever I set forward to accomplish. I am humorous to a fault. a characteristic that I manage on a situational basis!HA HA! I try to find a lighter simpler side to almost everything. Most times, I believe the answers are usually very simple and right in front of you. Just depends if you are willing to accept them and meet them head on with a vigorous passion to excell beyond what normal excuses most people make. And most important have FUN with every single day you are blessed to wake up and do it all over again.