Movies, Shooting pool, Talkin on the phone, Shopping,scrapbooking all of my pics,going to san jo to Chill with friends, spending time wit my neice and nephews,doing watevers to keep me busy,just hanging out and having fun, And doing watevers cleaver
SoMeone thats not full of sh**,just someone i can talk to and hang out with.JusT WaNtIng tO MAke nEw FreNds AnD ReNuIte Wit OlD FrIenDs ThaT I LoSt ToUch Wit OVer tHE YeArs
slow jams,RnB,HiP HOp, aNd aNythIn tHats gOod tO my eArs,aNd juSt Get yoU tO DaNce
what a gurl wants,american wedding,italian job,Old ScHoOl, SwaT,i like almost any kinda of movie ThaT MAkes mE WaNt TO LAuGh, CrY,ScAreD,AnD any AcTiOn
FrIendS,EvE,GuRlFrieNds,HaLfNhaLf,tLc(TradiNg SpAces,Etc...),GliMorE GurLS,ChArMed,70's shOw,CsI,NipTuck WaTevEr ShOw GeTs My AtTeNtIon
BoOkS WaTs A BOoK...Jp....I ReAD WaTevErs INtErEsts Me.BoOkenDs,FiVe People U MeEt IN HeaVen,TuesdAys Wit MorrIe,Waking BeaUty AlSo I LIke ReaDing MaGs. toO
EvErYoNe ThAt HAS MaDe A VeRy BiG ImPAcT In MY LIFe.AlL My LoVe OnEs ThAt HaVe TAuGht Me SoMeThIng ThRu OuT ThE YeArs.EsP. MY MoM,dAD,BrOs,GrAnDpaReNTs,AuNTiEs,And UncLEs.BuTs MOStLy AlL ThE GrEaT PeOpLE ArOUnD Me.I LOVe You AlL So MuCh!