judy lea profile picture

judy lea

No mAttEr WHAt YoUr aLwaYs In My HeArT!

About Me

Umm...At fIrst i come off very shy. But as time passes i become more talkative.a lot of people say that im shy and that i laugh a lot.so i guess thats true at times.im a friendly person and i can get along wit just anyone.im also honest and a very good listener. if u need someone to vent out to im that person.i try my best to be there for anyone that needs someone to be there for them.I LoVe SpeNdIng tiMe wITh My FaMilY.EsP.My NeiCes And NeWpHeWs.AlSo LiKE PartYiNg Up WiT My FrIenDs.Or JUsT HaNgIng Out WiTh TheM WhEneVer I geT ThE CHanCe.

My Interests

Movies, Shooting pool, Talkin on the phone, Shopping,scrapbooking all of my pics,going to san jo to Chill with friends, spending time wit my neice and nephews,doing watevers to keep me busy,just hanging out and having fun, And doing watevers cleaver

I'd like to meet:

SoMeone thats not full of sh**,just someone i can talk to and hang out with.JusT WaNtIng tO MAke nEw FreNds AnD ReNuIte Wit OlD FrIenDs ThaT I LoSt ToUch Wit OVer tHE YeArs


slow jams,RnB,HiP HOp, aNd aNythIn tHats gOod tO my eArs,aNd juSt Get yoU tO DaNce


what a gurl wants,american wedding,italian job,Old ScHoOl, SwaT,i like almost any kinda of movie ThaT MAkes mE WaNt TO LAuGh, CrY,ScAreD,AnD any AcTiOn


FrIendS,EvE,GuRlFrieNds,HaLfNhaLf,tLc(TradiNg SpAces,Etc...),GliMorE GurLS,ChArMed,70's shOw,CsI,NipTuck WaTevEr ShOw GeTs My AtTeNtIon


BoOkS WaTs A BOoK...Jp....I ReAD WaTevErs INtErEsts Me.BoOkenDs,FiVe People U MeEt IN HeaVen,TuesdAys Wit MorrIe,Waking BeaUty AlSo I LIke ReaDing MaGs. toO CosMo.,JaNe,GlAmOur,WaTeVerS


EvErYoNe ThAt HAS MaDe A VeRy BiG ImPAcT In MY LIFe.AlL My LoVe OnEs ThAt HaVe TAuGht Me SoMeThIng ThRu OuT ThE YeArs.EsP. MY MoM,dAD,BrOs,GrAnDpaReNTs,AuNTiEs,And UncLEs.BuTs MOStLy AlL ThE GrEaT PeOpLE ArOUnD Me.I LOVe You AlL So MuCh!

My Blog

secret santa wishlist

 i dont really need anything at the moment.uhh...make-up,tops,shoes,jacket,bag and wallet. i guess i would want a gift card to umm.....nordstroms,macys,puma,victoria secret,forever21.
Posted by judy lea on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 06:39:00 PST

Im SiCk oF

iM sIcK of sO maNY SHiT.... OF AlL THE BULl ThAT You FrOM So MANY thINGs IN LiFe.... But YOu JusT LeArN FrOM EvErythINg aS TiMe GoEs By AnD TaKe It As IT CoMEs aND GoeS.....
Posted by judy lea on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

sCrew yOU

I just dont understand u.It seem like u hella cared then now its like u dont even give a shit.You made me get so much mixed emotions that im so sick and tired of waitting and wondering for something g...
Posted by judy lea on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST