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About Me

Honey bees contribute to 1/3 of our food supply. Honey bees are responsible for the pollination of more than 100 crops, including fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds.
More than 25 percent of the Western honey bee population has disappeared over the last several winters, threatening our food supply and our way of life.
Many of the honey bee deaths are being attributed to a mysterious threat called Colony Collapse Disorder(CCD), which is where the bees leave the hive to never return.
Researchers are working to find a solution to Colony Collapse Disorder.Factors that could be contributing to this are viruses, mites, chemical exposure, poor health and a overwhelming pathogen epidemic.
For further information on the honeybee crisis visit the site below

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I'd like to meet:

1)Plant your garden with bee friendly plants In areas of the country where there are few agricultural crops, honeybees rely upon garden flowers to ensure they have a diverse diet and to provide nectar and pollen. Encourage honeybees to visit your garden by planting single flowering plants and vegetables. Go for all the allium family, all the mints, all beans except French beans and flowering herbs. Bees like daisy-shaped flowers-asters and sunflowers, also tall plants like hollyhocks, larkspur and foxgloves. Bees need a lot of pollen and trees are a good source of food. Willows and lime trees are exceptionally good.BUY LOCAL HONEY
2)Local honey will be prepared by local beekeepers. This keeps food miles down and helps the beekeeper to cover the costs of beekeeping. Local honey complies with all food standards requirements but is not mistreated to give it a long shelf life. It tastes quite different to foreign supermarket honey and has a flavour that reflects local flora.

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