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Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Flowers & stripes
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Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Flowers & stripes
I´m really interested in psychololgy and stuff like that...Sigmund Freud, Alice Miller, Annelise Ude and other people of this genre are amazing...
Shelina Gallacher and the guys from Blue (I´ve seen Simon and Antony already), Gregory Smith and Hugh Laurie...all incredible talents
Blue, Maroon5, Pussycat Dolls, Elton John and Stevie Wonder
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I really love EVERWOOD and HOUSE M.D.
Gregory Smith and Hugh Laurie are amazing actors^^...and very sexy lads^^
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Coming of Age and Homo faber
Gregory Smith and Shelina Gallacher are my heroes because they both do a very good job and I appreciate their incredible talents but the boys from Blue are my music heroes...and of cause my mum, because she is a very strong woman and she did so well in her life, although she is devorced and is now mum in dad in one for me and my sister...and I wish her all the luck I can give for her new relationship and her marriage
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