first and formost, all the glory to my lord and savior jesus christ. what's up myspace, my name is AB. iam a born-again christian.-->by that, iam saying that i was a lost soul like so many others. but god has a plan for me, so he saved me from my path to destruction, and even worse, to hell. i cannot explain in words how grateful iam that this powerful king has enough mercy and love to help a sinner like me. he can change your life if you just open your heart and let him in. give him a chance.... iam very laid back. iam also a barber at Fadem up barber shop so if you want a nice fresh haircut just hit me up. my priorities are work, church, my HOP classes (House of peace), family, and most importantly my relationship with God ! and Man i just love life ever since i got with Jesus Baby !!! lol. well iam finished here. message/comment me if you got a question. grace and peace.