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About Me

The Synchromysticism Forum is a phpBB-forum dedicated to the art of Synchromysticism. Synchromysticism is defined as "The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance". Another term used to describe the phenomenon is "Multicontextual research".
Part of what we are trying to do in the synchromystical community is to connect symbolic stories and themes from fiction with events taking place on the world scene in order to find underlying patterns and themes.. We use tools like movies, music, news-stories, mythology, prophecies, sacred geometry, geodesic alignments, astrology, and meanings of numbers, names and places to find out out the hidden design behind the fabric of space and time. Many times when researching synchromystical connections, the clues found in the hidden design can point to future events.
In retrospective you can see that many movies have been prophetic about future events. The most known example of an event that was prophesied in many ways through popular culture was the destruction of the World Trade Center on 11 September 2001. There are multiple examples of the destruction of the WTC being portraied in various forms of popular culture, before the event took place! There's a thread on the forum where many of the 9/11 synchronicities are being collected:
The Great 9/11 Synchs Thread
Reality and fiction are melting together and telling us about a bigger picture. We're now learning about a Universe where everything is interconnected, where information and consciousness transcends space and time. We're about to travel through the Stargate. Communication with the divine source is going on everywhere and will be noticed by him who opens his eyes. We're now entering a new era of existence.
CLICK HERE to visit the Synchromysticism Forum. Welcome!

My Interests

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Here are some links to other sources of synchromystical research. Most of these people can be found on the forum.
Etemenanki (Goro Adachi)
The Brave New World Order (Jake)
Labyrinth of the Psychonaut (Psychonaut333)
Hyperdimensional Design Forum (Dutch)
Inside the Cosmic Cube (Adam Star)
Live from the Logosphere (42lightseed23)
Cyclic13's Youtube-channel
Aferrismoon (Aferrismoon)
The Stygian Port (ViolatoR)
Konkrete Junkyard (KonKreteJunkyard)
Cause withou a rebel (Beyondtheordinary)
D7 -- VY Canis Majoris (Substance D7)
Hidden Dakini (cimi)
cimi's Youtube-channel
The Synchromysticism Forum Blog (raybeam)
Fluent Effusio (pegcarter)
KindaGamey (KindaGamey)
The webfairy (webfairy)
The Dawn of Aquarius (Dalet)

My Blog

Donations for the Forum

The forum is finally back online again. It has been a lot of work and it have costed me (and dutchsinse) some money to get the forum up and running again. If you're willing to donate to the forum to c...
Posted by on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 08:58:00 GMT

The Synchromysticism Forum is Online again

Hello!The Synchromysticism Forum is now back online!New adress is : http://synchromysticismforum. comI still have to do some fine-tuning of the new forum, but everything is still there: linked images,...
Posted by on Tue, 14 Oct 2008 06:16:00 GMT