Here are some links to other sources of synchromystical research. Most of these people can be found on the forum.
Etemenanki (Goro Adachi)
The Brave New World Order (Jake)
Labyrinth of the Psychonaut (Psychonaut333)
Hyperdimensional Design Forum (Dutch)
Inside the Cosmic Cube (Adam Star)
Live from the Logosphere (42lightseed23)
Cyclic13's Youtube-channel
Aferrismoon (Aferrismoon)
The Stygian Port (ViolatoR)
Konkrete Junkyard (KonKreteJunkyard)
Cause withou a rebel (Beyondtheordinary)
D7 -- VY Canis Majoris (Substance D7)
Hidden Dakini (cimi)
cimi's Youtube-channel
The Synchromysticism Forum Blog (raybeam)
Fluent Effusio (pegcarter)
KindaGamey (KindaGamey)
The webfairy (webfairy)
The Dawn of Aquarius (Dalet)