What's up people!! It's been a long journey for me. Doing music off and on for about 12 years. I'm a child of West Indian parents and was born @ Washington Hospital Center in Washington DC. Basically I grew up listening to what my parents played which was Reggae and 80's pop. As I got older and gained some independence I started listening to Hip Hop. I was that kid with the walkman and a book bag full with cassette tapes at school. Needless to say I love music and I care how my personal music sounds as well.In high school I invested in a cheap turntable kit and begin mixing records. Eventually I made the transition from mixing to wanting to make music. My first pieces of equipment was the Tascam porta one http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1373/1472075619_c6ea7334a6_o.
jpg , an Alesis SR-16 Drum machine and the portable Yamaha SU10 sampler. After graduating from this limited setup I copped the classic MPC2000 when it became available on the market. Then upgraded everything else over the years. From then it was on!!I'd like to thank folks for stopping by my page... Myspace Layout Generator-Layoutgen.com