About Me
So... first off, my last name is pronounced LEEEEEEEEVY. I hate being called Lehvey. Life these days is spent in the pursuit of perfection in what I love. That usually entails 1.Surfing 2.Artistic Design 3.Family and relationships 4.Sales & service 5. Personal fitness and Athletics. Pretty much I just love to surf in waves that are sweet. I love to surf even if they suck. The real art is in making shity waves look fun even when they are super hard to rip. I recommend to everyone to find someway to utilize pure unfiltered creativity. That means...Express yourself in whatever medium you need to express yourself. In my opinion, if you find yourself somewhere and you can't trace it back to doin what you love...then you're in the wrong place! So all in all, be good to yourself and the people around you and seek fullfilment. Be good. AOL IM-Levyvan.