C1b2 profile picture


The only worshiping I do is speaker worshiping!!!!

About Me

MySpace Countdowns
To Download these mixes visit www.Shit-E.com

I started doing this shit while doing taking a shit! Inspiration struck me. Any fuckin how you can buy my shit records @ sum fine shops such as www.drfreeclouds.com or fucking www.sbm-online.de ,Anyhow Look out for upcoming releases on various labels ,latez

Past- Shit-E Recs partys n shit!!!

Saturday Deadcember the 11th 2004
I Got Yer Present Bitch.

Sharing good olde Holiday Cheer!. This was good times.

My Interests


Member Since: 11/19/2005
Band Website: Shit-E.com
Band Members: CBonilla-C1b2-Cock A Saurus Rex-Dj Shit - Dj Anarchy.
Influences: Mark V & Poogie Bear- THE HAMMER BROS-TRON - Retro Disco-LA Hard House--THE DESTROYER-ROB GEE-oLD N FASTER Omar Santana-Da Predator- Dj Ruffneck- Chosen Few- 3 Steps Ahead (R.I.P)- Space face The SpeedFreak-DELTA 9- SLAYER - EXODUS!!!!!Fuck yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sounds Like:

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Click Here To Enter Shit-E Records!
Record Label: Shit-E Records
Type of Label: Indie