Bow chicka wow wow! This is the way I live... I stack my money, lay low and chill... I'm simple and sarcastic but also sadistic.I go to the supermarkets to watch mothers lose it and beat the sh*t out of their kids.I embrace my heritage not by learning the language but by eating the food.I have absolutely no talents or skills except for palpating. Palpating is my passion. I believe in karma, multivitamins, proactive solution and kegals... lots and lots of kegals. I avoid people who suffer from halitosis and I cant resist the mist..... arbor mist
So far in '07 I have read: THINK AND GROW RICH By Napoleon Hill,NEVER BE LIED TO AGAIN & MAKE ANYONE LOYAL & GET ANYONE TO DO ANYTHING both by David Lieberman, SHINE by Larry A. Thompson, THE POWER OF NOW by Eckhart Tolle (but i didnt finish this book because Mr. Tolle is a tool!), THE DAILY SIX by John Chappelear, HOW FULL IS YOUR BUCKET By Tom Rath & Don Clifton, WHAT GOT YOU HERE WONT GET YOU THERE by Marshall Goldsmith, SELLING YOU (audiobook) By Napoleon Hill, THE SECRET By Rhonda Byrne, DYING WELL by Ira Byock, THE 100 SIMPLE SECRETS OF SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE by David Niven Ph.D, THE GAME by Neil Strauss, RETURN TO LOVE & ILLUMINATA by Marianne Williamson, RICH WOMAN by Kim Kiyosaki, CREATIVE VISUALIZATION by Shakti Gawain .....this section will be updated weekly