One day back in 1985, a woman was giving birth to god's child in a little stable right outside of a nearby hospitol. Why she didnt just go into the hospital, I dont know. Anyway she bore a child born with a halo and a battle axe. She decided only one name would fit him so she named him William Jesus Carlos Benjamin Grandimal Johansen Malcom Diddy Toaster Stout or Will Stout for short. Unfortunaly a pack of wolfs were roaming the streets of this busy city and stole the child. They raised this child and gave him super powers to fly, run at super speeds and lick himself. He forded out of the cave behind Togo's at the age of 13 and formed the band "Jesus will rape you" which was later known as "Whitesnake". The band toured the world melting peoples faces off with chords only givin from god. During one face melting session Will met and fell in love with Natalie Portman. They got married in Toronto but on the alter she was killed by russian spies. Will then was asked by the US government to help them defeat the Russian but by that time Will had already killed everyone over there (seriously there are no more russians to this day). Then Will traveled the earth alone, that is till he met Toast, his talking kung-fu fighting robot pug dog. They now travel the world fighting crime and checking the babes left and right.
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !