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Jesus (geez UHZ)... I'm talkin bout the Christchild from Nazareth... son of the carpenter Joseph and Mary born of immaculate conception.... NOT JESUS (hay SOOS) of Mexico City, Mexico...champion burrito maker and the best chimichangas and enchiladas this side of... well.... the border... Tain't too many more I wanna meet no more... I'm just bout them benjys
Uhm... prolly the one I was in (lol) Little Giants (see below for pix and NEW! movies! of ol Hot Hizzle doin tha thang on tha Silva Screen).... The 40-year old virgin, Soul Plane, Hostel, Anything sports related (Remember the Titans, Friday Night Lights, etc..), The Rundown, Scarface, Schindler's List, Crash, pretty much anything that has a lasting impact on ones psyche.... I love movies that make you think... I'ma be in one one day that makes u say wow.. that dude is
Little Giants Movie Part 10
ON DVD the classic staple...Chapelle's Show alla the time... ESPN, ESPN 2, Spongebob, fun thangs.
I read alla the time... whatever I have in front of me... Sports Illustrated, many novels... the last thing I read was the research paper I wrote on Steroid use in sport... it was bang up!
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Status: I love my Bay.
Hometown: Supply
Religion: Me and that Jesus feller go WAY back
Zodiac Sign: Fishy Fishy
Smoke/Drink: High on LIFE
Children: I might make one or two
Education: Kinesthetic (Handz on) learner
Income: $tack$ on deck