We would like to offer you a performance of our band Torr, from the Czech Republic.
Torr appeared on the metal scene in 1986 as the East European answer to West European black metal music, and has been the only band in former Czechoslovakia who brought uncompromising raw music style to the communistic society. Torr showed and paved the way for bands like Master's Hammer, Root and a few more, released 10 full length albums, 2 singles and numerous demos in the time period of 1990-2005.
Torr became a respected and well-known metal band in the whole world.
At the moment the band is in the studio preparing a new album called "Torritorium" which will be released on SPV Music in the spring of 2006.
Check out the SPV Music webpage http://www.spvmusic.cz for further details. Along with the recording of the new album Torr is getting ready to hit the road outside of the Czech and Slovakian Republic for the very first time in the band's history.
We'd like to ask you kindly to consider the organisation of a Torr-concert possibly along with other bands. Torr will be glad to unleash their energy and music to an audience in your club or at festivals.
For more information, photos, MP3s or pictures, please visit the official Torr-
We're looking forward to cooperate with you!
Thank you for your time!
Törr manager http://www.magmakoncert.czTÖRR Made in hell 2004