SurvivingSavior profile picture


Resolution H. 397

About Me

LoVetoDeaTH...LoVe is EveRyThinG....This is Our One and Only Command...John 15:12-13... To what End would God not use in this life to bring us to total submission in Him, total reliance on Him alone…What would He not put us through, what will He not let us do...Not Let happen to us...To produce in us His character, to restore us to His image...To save us from the destruction of our selfishness...To reflect His perfect LoVe through the miry depths of our evil heart...

My Interests


Member Since: 6/4/2008
Band Website:
Band Members: TIMOTHY...Playing whatever you hear...
Influences: People and Life, in it's Random Chaotic Memorial intervals of time consuming moments of failure, success and pause....Jesus Christ(Love), In which no words, music or silence could excavate...Family, Friends and Endless Bands that play everything you think sucks or wish you wrote... Where Music Is Going" width="234" height="60" / Where Music Is Going" width="234" height="60" /

Sounds Like:
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Your Face is a Blog

Posted by on Tue, 07 Apr 2009 03:28:00 GMT