Dolfan profile picture


Fate has me highly skilled and loaded with talent

About Me

I'm laid back, for the most part. I am the center of attention b/c let's face it, I'm pretty damn cool! I can do whatever and have a good time. Depending on the circumstances. I'm not what you would call fond of NY Jets, FSU Seminole or the NY Mets or the Yankees for that matter. They are interchangable. So if you one of those sad few, keep it civil lol. Hahah I am a complete smartass. I usually hit the gym 2 times a day. Practically live at Dolphins Stadium. I enjoy a night at the Hard Rock from time to time. Other than that, Stand up comedy, concerts, movies, the beach, nights out. I play 5 instruments, classically trained but nothing serious. Just for fun, I love music. I read a lot. Watch a lot of news. Also, I am in the process of becoming a cop.

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

Paul & Young Ron Come Along: Atlantis Paradise Island 9/06:a

My Interests

Las Vegas 8/07

I'd like to meet:

Dan Marino, Matt Hughes, Ronnie Brown, Carlos Mencia, Miguel Cabrera, Jeremy Hermida, I am not into celebrity worship like 97% of this country. Although Jessical Biel or Stacy Keibler I would kindly introduce myself to. Other than that old friends. I live w/ my girlfriend and couldn't be happier. Sorry ladies, I was born a heartbreaker!


Breaking Benjamin, Shinedown, Ra, Soil, Drowning Pool Godsmack, Hell Yeah, Theory of a Deadman. I listen to everything. Rock, Metal, Classic Rock, a little rap, Country, Techno, Jazz, Classical. Really... Everything


Old School, The Da Vinci Code, 40 Year Old Virgin, Borat, The Break Up, Grandma's Boy, Talladega Nights, Office Space, Big Trouble, Clerks, Rudy(it's a classic). Anything by M. Knight Shalaman, Vince Vaughn.


Mind of Mencia, King of Queens, The Office, Lil' Bush, Big Brother, The Power of 10, The Loop, Glenn Beck, Family Guy, Over There, Playmakers, The Soprano's, Oz, Without A Trace, the news and mostly sports


Dan Brown, Michael Savage, Ben Stein, John Grisham, George Orwell.


Pat Tillman. If you don't know this story. Pick up a newspaper, or do a search. The U.S. Military. Public servants, minus lawyers!

My Blog

Worst Weekend EVER!!!!!!!

The weekend was shit before Friday even started. Thursday, I get home, and Jess has blurry vision, a migraine, her right hand was numb, she was sweating but had goosebumps, then she started vomitting ...
Posted by Dolfan on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 08:46:00 PST

Back From Vegas and oh so much more!

Well, I thought the Bahamas was the best vacation I have been on. At one time I thought it was Hawaii. But then I went to Vegas! We got in and had a problem w/ the bags. So there was an hour. Checked ...
Posted by Dolfan on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 01:01:00 PST

Finally, it's happened to me....

Well, it's Wednesday. Par for the course right. Well, not so much. These next 2 weeks are going to be some of the best. We are going to Vegas Friday. We get back Monday. We've never been to Vegas...
Posted by Dolfan on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 04:46:00 PST

What a weird weekend

So Friday night, Jess is on the phone w/ Delta bookin our flight to Vegas. I had heard the term Rusty Trombone like 5 times in the last 2 weeks. No clue what it is. So, we bought The Loop season 1 on ...
Posted by Dolfan on Sun, 08 Jul 2007 08:35:00 PST

My trip to Ft. Myers

Well after 12 years, I made my return to Ft. Myers. We went up for a concert. Jess' favorite band is Sevendust. And its not like we didn't just meet them back in December. But she wanted to see them a...
Posted by Dolfan on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 06:27:00 PST

The latest goings on in my life

Well, all the way back in yesteryear, I took an entrance test for the Miami Dade Police Dept. They told me I'd get the results in 2 weeks. Well, it was 4 1/2 and I still hadn't heard a thing.So I call...
Posted by Dolfan on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 05:28:00 PST

2006 in Review

The year got off to a great start. Me, Jess and some of our friends went to the Huster Party at Club I/O. Good times.I started working for a shop in Coral Gables to bide my time to become a cop. My bo...
Posted by Dolfan on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 09:56:00 PST

My love/hate relationship w/ Xmas

Now don't get me wrong. This is my favorite time of year. And I love Christmas. But just like everything else in this world, it has it's serious flaws. I'm not gonna go the usual "It's sooooo commerc...
Posted by Dolfan on Wed, 06 Dec 2006 06:49:00 PST

Why I am Thankful for this Thanksgiving!

The morning started off to a pretty good start. Went to Jess' parents for dinner. Watched my Dolphins win their 4th game in a row. Filled up on everything put in front of me. Then we rushed home beca...
Posted by Dolfan on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 09:14:00 PST

Ra @ State Theater

We left Miami around 1pm. Everything was fine until we got to the backasswards West Coast of Florida. Rednecks w/ 20 foot trailer hitches, w/ not one thing in tow. We got to St Pete and this town has ...
Posted by Dolfan on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 06:52:00 PST