!! lol, Reading, music, watching films, gore (nice one):P, writing stuff, art in general, languages! oh n jokin or just foolin around...
Myspace Graphics
I'd like to meet:
Shiny happy people holding hands (8) lol...someone from timbuktu,someone from tuvalu, etc..just plain normal ppl u c... =D
You Have Not Been Ruined by American Culture
You're nothing like the typical American. In fact, you may not be American at all.
You have a broad view of the world, and you're very well informed.
And while you certainly have been influenced by American culture (who hasn't?), it's not your primary influence.
You take a more global philosophy with your politics, taste, and life. And you're always expanding and revising what you believe.
Has American Culture Ruined You?
Metal! CoF,DimmuBorgir,Gorgoroth,Children of Bodom,DarkFuneral,Dissection,Satyricon,Grave, Nightrage,The Forsaken,Napalm Death,Behemoth, Dismember,Nile,Slayer,kreator,Sodom,Cannibal corpse,Mortician,Empyrium,Lacuna coil,Darkwell,Avantasia,Manowar,Nightwish,Falconer,Rhapsody,
AC/DC,Rammstein,Amon Amarth,Within Temptation,Celtic frost,Therion, Morbid Angel,Burzum,Marduk,Grave digger and Summoning!classical musik:Beethoven,Mozart,Wagner,Tchaikovsky,Bach, Rachmaninov and enya..and also worlds music =) i love it!The Idan Rachel Proyect, Loreena Mc Kennit...uhmm dunno also rock, some jbands...i just love music :) ok maybe too much electro stuff lately? =D
Evil dead, LOTR Trilogy, Brave Heart (all the ones with mel gibson in them lol), Jeepers Creepers :P, Falling Down, Platoon, The Thin Red Line, Equilibrium, HP and the goblet of fire rlz!, Pocahontas xD, Suicide Club, The little Mermaid etc :L
I love to watch F1 and used to watch the WWF (not much now with the WWE). Wolf's rain is not bad either...uhmm i also like whose line is it anyway, scrubs, the L word, gravitation and some other anime stuff, frasier, the ali g show, etc.
From Assimov (I, robot; a choice of catastrophes), Lovecraft (The Shadow over Insmouth, The case of Charles Dexter Ward, Dagon, The colour out of space, Supernatural Horror in Literature, The Cthulu mith), Poe ("Narraciones extraordinarias"), Shakespeare(Hamlet, Macbeth...), Jostein Gaarder (Sophie's world), Nietzsche (Thus spoke Zarathustra), Wells (The island of doctor Moreau), Umberto Eco (En que creen los que no creen?) but rite now just IB books which i h8 =(