Travel. Music. Shows. Fests. Amsterdam. California. Puerto Rico. Colorado. NYC. New Castles. Road trips. Writing. Thunderstorms. Drawing. The beach. Surfers. Space Invading. Hacklebarney. Love. The Delaware Water Gap. Hiking. Mountains. Friends. Smiling. Family. Animals (esp. my animals). School. Goodness. The stars. Tropical Islands. The human mind.
People who know how to have a little fun, who love to laugh and always thinks the glass is half full and not half empty...cause if people think thats its always empty theres no way that someone will ever get out of the rut we sometimes fall in...When someone hurts us we should write it down in sand where winds of forgiveness can erase it away. But, when someone does something good for us, we must engrave it in stone where no wind can ever erase it."
Music....mmmm Well Im a music buff. I like all Kinds of music-so the list could go forever and ever. From Jazz to some ole school hip hop...... But a few of my favorites are Ms. Ani Difranco, Melissa Ferrick, Janis Joplin, Good 'ole Johnny Cash- Railroad Earth, Van Morrisson, Bob Marley, Elvis Costello, Counting Crows Miles Davis, Tribe called Quest, The Roots.... like i said i like a wide variety of music. And who doesn't love live shows...woo hoo!Myspace For Girls Only - MyGirlySpace.comMyspace For Girls Only - MyGirlySpace.comMyspace For Girls Only -
Movies..are great great put a good flick in the dvd player and just curl up and enjoy the ride...I guess my mood sets the tone for the movie that Im going to watch, but some classics are..The Goonies, National Lampoons Vacations, E.T., Wizard OF OZ- DIrty Dancing, Pretty in PInk...Who didnt love the 80s.... Some Newer ones I liked... Jeresy Girl- THE SWEETEST THING- It reminds me of my girls! Along came Polly- and pretty much all Ben Stiller's Movies.. ACE VENTURA- PET DETECTIVE! Hungry lil' fella-there ya go!
I dont watch the tube all that much....but I guess definitely the History channel, Animal planet, Law and Order SVU, Golden Girls, Aqua-teen, ...
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MY Biggest hero is My mom..I love her to death, she has always been here for us and I know she always will be there....And through all the heartache-R.I.P. DAD she still stands with her head up. And never doubted me for a moment. And she will never have too, cause she truly is my inspiration. And with her unconditonal love I will accomplish all I want too... Shes an all-round rock star!! and my Grammie for raising such a wonderful kids (my Momma)...