* This site acts, more or less, as a depository for the vagueries of my web-surf surf-webbing which should explain the the very real and very paradoxical lack of any real content, and the vapidity thereof, mixing effortlessly with some very real and goose-bump enducing poetry and errata (note Thomas,D in top left), but then is that not the real colliery of a generation of minds bloated and exploded by the mores and instant gratifications of our spectacle-commodity-society in which the common expression of frustration RE: the banalaties of the grind is furious mental masturbation in every 'comment box' in god's green web with encorrigable vitriol. In other news, from now until mid-summer I am in Moscow at a University which is, in actual fact, a branch of the Ministry of Defence (needless to say I'm destroying the system from the inside late assignment after late assignment...) and urge all, who are reasonably liquid in both a financial and gastronomic sense, to visit the motherland.