Breakout! Buttons is an independent company that makes buttons at a low price for independent artists and companies.
Currently, we're making buttons, magnets, keychains, mirrors and photo easels! Sadly, we stopped with coasters because they don't turn out looking very good. :(
We also offer perimeter text on your buttons for your web address or slogan for no additional cost!
To ensure the highest quality, we use a third party printer, have fast communications, give suggestions, and will send you a photo of a sample button to make sure you get what you want. Unlike our competitors, we have a low price, fast turn around (most orders take about a day or two), high quality looking buttons, and, your buttons won't be cut off (all square looking on the button) like I've heard a lot of others have turned out. We will not produce anything we would not sell ourselves. However, we are not graphic artists, but we can appoint you to one if you need it.
You can find additional button information, billing, and our button prices posted in our blog.
NOTE: PLEASE DO NOT SEND ME ANY ARTWORK THAT IS NOT ORIGINAL. I go through a third party printer who will refuse to print your infringing work, and I will refuse to print infringing work, also. It's not worth getting into any legal B.S. Plus, original logos will get attention more than anything that's already been done, and it looks cooler. I will suggest you to a designer if you need it.