Hello let me introduce my self my name is Michelle I live in Rhode Island I go by the nick name Frenchie or Frenchiekiss I am a huge fan of young fire got bitten by the bug when heard their music for the first time and ever since I've been hooked !!!! If you are a supporter of Young Fire I kindly ask you to continue to spread the word about Young Fire that you help our friend's list grow as well. Please add YoungFire's fan page as a friend and please tell a friend about us and please ask them to tell their friends to add us to their friends list. For the more the numbers grow the farther the word spreads about Young Fire
I would like to express my sincere thanks to you all please know that all support is welcome and deeply appreciated and know that your support will never be taken for granted much love and support always to Youngfire and to all you wonderful fans Thank you
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