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Biography of Dr. Apostle/Prophet Anicia A. Brown
Apostle/Prophet Anicia A. Brown received her calling from the Lord at the age of 14 years. Her passion and hunger to know God personally drove her to an in-depth study of the Word of God and constant continual communication with God in prayer, praise and intimate worship. In her youth, she was heavily active in: Youth Prayer Circles, WPWW, Young Women’s Christian Council, Junior Church, Purity Classes, Witnessing, and tent revivals.
Seeking the perfect will of God, she was led to relocate to Abilene, Texas, where she began to sing, teach, and preach at numerous churches, being well received as she went.
On her journey into the perfect will of God for her life, she attended Cathedral of Life where Apostle/Bishop Hershel Gammill is senior Pastor. During her years in faithful attendance at Cathedral, her tutelage from both Elder/Prophet Emma Watson (Prayer Band Head) and Prophet/Teacher Marsha Porter covered a period of 12 years. Steadfast in prayer, loyal, willing and obedient to leadership, God spoke “Hear The Word Ministries” to her in 1990. This sparked what is now internationally known as the “Prophetical Prayer and Power Clinic” (PPPC).
In 1994, Little Rock Church of God In Christ (C.O.G.I.C) offered her the Assistant Pastor position. In her acceptance, she taught PPPC in house while maintaining an increasingly hectic travel schedule. When Little Rock C.O.G.I.C. relocated to Atlanta, Georgia, Apostle/Prophet Anicia A. Brown elected to stay in Canton, Ohio, to continue her historical work. From that time forth, God called Apostle Anicia A. Brown to pastor Hear The Word Ministries.
Presently, she oversees several ministries nationwide and maintains excellent standing in the Christian Community. She has achieved the position of National Administrator of Intercession and is also a member of the Board of Elders of the International Council of Ministers. Her academic accomplishments include, but are not limited to, various business and secretarial courses which have benefited the Body of Christ. She is also a licensed Foster Parent and is certified to work with the mentally disabled
Bible Institute, whereby students earn a Certificate and/or an Associate or Bachelor’s Degree in the following areas: Leading Worship, Counseling, Christian Leadership, Intercessory Ministry, Prophetic Ministry, and Educational Programs for Christian Ministry. Additionally, Apostle/ Prophet Anicia Brown is an extremely successful entrepreneur.
Hear The Word Ministries owns over eleven businesses including, but not limited to: Miracles Hair Design & Spa, Miracles Restorative Group Homes and MRDD Facility, Miracles Galactic Internet Café, Miracles Pastoral Retreat, Shekinah Glory Day Care, Miracles Estates & Management Unlimited, Miracles Empowerment Entrepreneurial Services, Miracles Perfected Events & Planning, Miracles Education & Training Labs, Apostle Brown’s Signature Apparel, and Miracles Television Network which airs in two countries.
Outstanding achievements in all areas of her life have contributed to Apostle/Prophet Brown’s growing influence in the building and maintenance of ministries, as well as in her travels across the country as an Evangelist. God has blessed her with over 35 ministries and several churches nationwide.
On a personal note, Apostle/Prophet Brown is a loving and ministering mother to her daughter, Y’Shica, and to her son, Marc. Y’Shica, being a true fruit from her tree, is a loving mother of five and has a number of accomplishments under her own belt. She has obtained her Manager’s Beautician License (with plans to open her own hair salon), certified computer skills training, certified Nursing & Medical Assistant, certified in Phlebotomy, and is the President of Brown’s Vending Service. In service to her community, she also owns several group homes statewide. She has opened her own MRDD facility.
Currently, Marc is attending Ohio State College. He is the lead drummer at Hear The Word Ministries, Apostle/Prophet Brown’s local headquarters. Marc is also skilled in construction, building homes, and computer technology, among her other talents. Marc also has plans to open several businesses such as barbershops And auto detailing shops.

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New McDonalds Black Commercial (after Church)
Posted by on Wed, 21 Oct 2009 12:23:00 GMT