THE LOST first started out as a concept both ThE MaRkUbUs & Hardrok hadway back in 1994 A.D. Then certain circumstances arrised causing Hardrokto disappear unexpectedly. The years drifted by & still the concept of THELOST was buried within the ruins of it's existence. ThE MaRkUbUs, still with theurge to play music, layed buried for several years and until 2003 A.D. hewas exhumed by the members of another band & since then has playedmany live shows & has recorded two full length studio albums with that band.Unfortunately, ThE MaRkUbUs dearly departed from the band & has been a recluseto the music scene since then. Suddenly ThE MaRkUbUs receives a message fromthe other side, Hardrok had mysteriously resurrected from the dead.ThE MaRkUbUs & Hardrok had reunited after so many years. They both rush backto the burial ruins to exhume the concept of THE LOST to bring it back to theliving. Now 14 years in the making 2008 A.D. THE LOST has resurrected & iscurrently being brought back to life by both it's creators. Also while at theruins, ThE MaRkUbUs & Hardrok discover an unmarked tomb & begin to open it upwith curiosity. There they found the remains of Jerry Mayhem who laterbecomes THE LOST bassist. After discovering the unmarked tomb of JerryMayhem, they discover two more unmarked tombs and decide to openthem as well. There they discover two more bodies, that of Derek Murderz &Jay Korpse. Now complete, ThE MaRkUbUs, Hardrok, Jerry Mayhem, DerekMurderz, & Jay Korpse are ready to wreak havoc upon this earth. Soon THELOST will be unleashed to the world to hypnotize the masses with their music,& drink the blood of the willing!!!!STAY TUNED BOILS & GHOULS!!!!!!!
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