I dont like you.
So unless you wanna give me something,
Run and play wit a shark
Well, I might like you.
Kinda depends on who you are.
Like, if your jesus,
Or something like that,
Then, I'd like you.
I mean who can't like jesus.
I have one fault, amoung many.
I like the rum.
Dont frown
If you were me,
You'd like rum too.
If you were me,
You would like cool things.
I know you'd like chicken.
quite possibly, ya know
maybe even
Ya know
That little game
When ya like
jump on squares
and fast cars.
If you were me
You wouldn't jump on fast cars.
you would like fast cars
Ya know
Amoung hopscotch.
Yes, if you were me,
You'd most definatly like movies
Oh, and pretty girls.
cause ya know,
pretty girls are cute.
Q: Are lap dances better or worse when they involve a yellow feather boa? A: worse. Now if it was a blue boa. We might be able to talk. Q: Do u like having sex with midgets with webbed feet? A: You had me untill webbed feet. Q: Why the HELL are you called Finch?I see no resemblance, you fibber. A: Because um...... My dad gave me the name? Q: Is gravity a friend or foe? A: When I am falling off a cliff, definatly foe. Q: If you had to fight to the death, which would you fight: A stingray or an evil duck from outer space bent on taking over the world and destroying all forms of life (I'm talkin about a badass duck) A: I hate ducks, so LET'S GET IT ON!