Rich profile picture



About Me

Alright...My name is Rich and Im 22yrs old. I'm from Seymour, Ct and I'm a profesional FMX rider. I absolutly love my job! It allows me to travel all over the world to see new places and meet new people. Although by my profile it seems as though all I do with my life is ride, I do do other things, I just dont have a camera around when Im out. lol I love going to lakes, rivers, and beaches to chill and have a good time. We've got a bunch of kick ass places to do stuff like that around here. In the winter, I love to go skiing, I've been doing it since I could walk. I love the outdoors, but the occasional sitting around the house all day is always fun too. I also own a driveway sealing and asphalt repair business that I run during the summer. Im a very fun, outgoing person that is very easygoing. I like to have fun and try new things. Ive got a lot of great friends that mean a lot to me...some that I've lost along the way, but I will never forget them! My brother and family mean the world to me...I dont know where I would be without their support. Dad! Im talking about you! Love ya. Im always interested in meeting new people... so if theres anything else you wanna know about me.. just hit me up. lol You should create your own MySpace Layouts like me by using nUCLEArcENTURy .COM's MySpace Profile Editor !

My Interests

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