Get your layout on
Really Mr. Obama? Change? You just appointed a Pro-Israel Jew as your Chief of Staff, the guy running your cabinet. Two days in and I can smell the snake politician on you. What kind of change is that? Let me explain. Since the 1970s the United States has been the biggest financial backer of the state of Israel, which we helped create on May 14, 1948. We have given them over $150 billion dollars in funds, which come from hard working tax payer dollars over the last few decades. You are probably thinking, Lee what is wrong with that? Let me explain. Long before the 70s, and our blatant support and funding of Israel, Muslims had been fighting with Israelis (Zionist Jews) over possession of the Holiest of the Holy land. The "terrorist" Muslims you know today did not have especially Anti-American sentiment before we started to back Israel. When we stepped in and gave them millions at a time to spend at their will (because we cannot say it is for military purposes), of course they are going to hate us. The incredibly wealthy and powerful Israel Lobby in the United States has unprecedented power in this country. In a nutshell, Muslims hate Jews, we help Jews, therefore Muslims hate us too. Simple enough I assume.
There are two wars presidents must fight, domestic and foreign. Obama seems pretty focused on solving domestic issues, or at least attempting to. That is good, but domestic society is indirectly affected by all foreign conflicts. Billions spent, to fund allies so our politicians can spread American ideologies across the globe (which aren't always righteous). Billions which COULD be spent here to most definitely fix the domestic problems we face. Universal health care is a beautiful thought, but financially impossible. Mostly because of the foreign situations we have created. Muslims and Jews fighting in the Middle East is nothing new, let them have at it, kill each other off. But when the U.S. wants to step in and gives Israel funding to buy massive bulldozers with gun turrets mounted on them to demolish Palestinian towns, and then fund them to built 20 foot high concrete walls blocking out Palestinians who used to live in that town, essentially encroaching on Palestinian land and stealing it, of course they are going to want to fucking kill us too! And notice they are blatantly stealing land and killing people, yet the U.N. doesn't do shit, NOBODY DOES. And why? Because the U.S. backs them and the U.S. is on the U.N. Security Council, where they have the power to veto any intervention by the International community, and one veto in that council means they won't do shit. We give Israel total international immunity. Of course the Muslims in Palestine kill Israelis, and want to kill Americans. I WOULD TOO, if they knocked down my grandmother's home which stood for a century and killed my father who stepped in the way to protect it, I would be ready to kill every last mother fucker involved with no remorse. Now does that make me a terrorist, or a dude just real pissed off wanting revenge?
I would have given Obama the benefit of the doubt, but fuck that. This guy Rahm Emanuel in 2002 stated that he supported Bush invading Iraq on false premise, because he is a Pro-Israel Jew. He stated in 2003 at a Pro-Israeli rally that, "the Palestinian people are paying a price for Palestinian violence", when for every 6 Palestinian who dies at the hands of a Jew, one Jew dies from a Muslim. This is because Palestinians have no help, therefore they throw rocks, while Israel is packing serious fire power. I wonder why. Emanuel's father is one of these men I speak about who fought decades ago against Muslims, essentially an Israeli terrorist, if you want to call a Muslim who kills Jews a terrorist too. Now for the kicker...Joshua Bolten, George W. Bush's Chief of Staff was a Pro-Israeli Jew as well. Why the FUCK do you think we are in the predicament we are in now? Where is the change Obama?! How do you expect to have a different Middle East policy with a Pro-Israeli Jew as your right hand man. He won't allow it. Our beef with the Middle East stems from this support, so why continue to let men who support this run the country when it has cost so far 4,000 young American lives, and so far 500,000 Iraqi civilian's lives in the latest conflict alone?! Notice I say civilian, meaning 90% of them have nothing to do with it, they just fucking live there. People fail to recognize that the REAL "Change", needs to be the changing of the age old fuck ups that we have allowed our past leaders to spawn. If I have informed you of anything you didn't now, you know now. Now assess the situation for what it is. Obama may be a different player, but it is the SAMEEEEE fucking game my friends.