About Me
Our Governor, Sarah Palin: A Champion for Brutal,Wasteful Aerial Hunting of Wolves and Bears!
I have been blessed with a huge heart that contains MANY passions and loves. One of my hearts greatest loves is that of Gods beautiful works, whether they are reflected in the beauty of an African sunset, ethereal spin drift on a high mountain summit, in the cacophony of a cascading river, the soft, warm, rhythmic breathing of a baby, or the rippling lithe body of a cheetah in motion. I am in awe of the intricacy and complexity of DNA and the powerful, sensual swell of the ocean, the stateliness of trees and the haunting song of loon, humpback, and wolf.
My heart compels me to make a difference in the world and to strive to touch lives, to champion dreams, and to serve as a catalyst for positive change and to stand in the gap between that which enriches life and that which tries to diminish it.
I strive to empower and uplift individuals, families and dreams. I BELIEVE that one day the crippling darkness of lost hope and dreams will be replaced by grace, joy, abundance, and love in all the world! I BELIEVE that one day a child will be more important than any job. I BELIEVE that one day, as a society, we will make decisions based upon the good of all our children and not the bottom line. I BELIEVE that one day our society will once again revere our elders. Families will storm nursing homes and institutions that warehouse our old ones and bring them home and allow them to complete the circle of life within the warmth and embrace of family and loved ones. I BELIEVE that one day we will understand that our world was lovingly created for us as a GIFT and not as a stop along the way to somewhere else. I BELIEVE that there IS freedom from slavery, fear, debt, and despair! I BELIEVE that within each and everyone of you there is strength, courage and charactor and a life yearning to be free.
My Blog
Are You One of Those Who Don't Fit In?
This is a wonderful poem. I just now re-discovered it. I remember identifying with it when I was real young while attending a British style boarding school in Canada. Now, as an adult, it speaks much...
Posted by on Sat, 20 Dec 2008 00:05:00 GMT
Profound words from a very inspiring man!
Posted by on Thu, 31 Jul 2008 02:59:00 GMT
Doubt Not That You Are a Winner!!
The next time that you start doubting yourself and thinking that you are a screw-up or a loser, think about this! You are a winner just by being here! You were the winner over 49,999 other possibilit...
Posted by on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 22:26:00 GMT
I walked out of my bathroom, the other day, after taking a shower, and the eyes in a portrait, taken of me when I was very young, caught and held me for a very long uncomfortable moment. I was shocked...
Posted by on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 15:02:00 GMT
A Very Inspiring Video
Posted by on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 21:56:00 GMT
Corporations Are Buying Up Water Rights!
Corporations Are Buying Up Water Rights!Something that I find very disturbing is the increased interest in large corporations moving to privatize water. Two-thirds of the world's population will suffe...
Posted by on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 15:43:00 GMT
The following, is from a book called "Epic" by John Eldredge. He also wrote, "Wild at Heart" which is one of my favorite books. In these couple of paragraphs, he captures what I have felt but could ne...
Posted by on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 16:08:00 GMT
Something is Very Wrong!
Back on New Years Eve I sat in to do a radio show for another DJ and I decided that I would count down the top 10 New Years Resolutions starting from #10 and work my way to # 1 throughout the program...
Posted by on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 04:26:00 GMT
Compassionate Capitalism
It sounds like an oxymoron but I am currently engaged in such an endeavor. As far back as I can remember I have always wanted to make a difference in the world. I was very much influenced by the 60's ...
Posted by on Tue, 26 Dec 2006 00:57:00 GMT
Some thoughts on Failure
There are many times in my life that I have looked at people who I see as very successful and I think to myself, I could never rise to the level that they have obtained. They are "Gifted." They are "B...
Posted by on Fri, 13 Jan 2006 23:32:00 GMT