I love many aspects of life, public speaking, dancing, making people laugh, imparting wisdom, storytelling, conducting worthy surprises, being creative. I love to laugh, travel and learn. My spiritual family is very important to me.I love music and am drawn to musicians and artists of all kinds. I'm drawn to solving big & complex problems. I love empowering people to step into their inner power and manifest their deepest wishes and longings.I'm Passionate about life and that which matters. I'm moved from my heart and really have a knack for getting good things to happen in a way that benefits everyone involved.Bringing people together makes me happy. I enjoy gatherings, celebrations, concerts, festivals and community gatherings. I love art, artists, dancers, crafts and craftmakers. I appreciate them so much!I deeply desire to set up a network so that things can get accomplished around the world with greater speed, ease, and power. Timing may be everything, but, so is doing the right things, at the right time, with the right people, for the right reasons!The future of humanity is dependent on if we are able to identify and transmit new and ancient knowledge, critical information, discoveries and solutions to the very people who need them. Business and Generosity can be married and can work together very well. We must learn how the two can work in real world applications.There are elegant and viable solutions to everything that concerns us about the state of humanity and the planet. It's all here right now. I mean it, right now!You would not believe the marvelous, unimaginable solutions and discoveries that are fully developed and ready to be deployed on a world-wide basis completely independent of anyones political association. What humanity needs has no place for politics.We need to gather a network of people that are ready, willing and able to multi -task, who have a generous spirit, who are willing to use their energy, access, contacts, expertise, information and higher wisdom to get things done and bring things about around the world.Let's Go Everyone! http://www.itsrainmakingtime.com andhttp://www.rainmaking.comWith Love,
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4