I hate hypocrites, fake people, I hate people that try and be something they are not. Im not perfect but i enjoy being in the company of people that are not so perfect. I dont care for people that look down on you like your nothing. I dont like girls that think they are hotter than everyone else, cause there are no such thing. I love being around other cultures and learning about them. I love mexican, or hispanic men. Now for the guys that are reading this, please explain to me. Why is it you guys have to constantly make it hard on us in our relationships.Questions for you and answers I would like to get in return1) How can I spice up my love life, what is it that you like a girl to do if your involved in a relationship?2) If your with someone do you give them complaments?3) How do you avoid arguments with your girlfriend?4) If your girlfriend sends you a picture to keep in your phone or do you delete it so another girl doesnt find it and question you about it?Im sorry but if I was dating anyone of you guys, I dont care if you check out girls but dont make fucking comments out loud so I can hear it, and if someone was my boyfrien I would hope you would keep a picture of me in your phone or in your wallet. Men are so hard to figure out and then you complain about us being moody, were moody cause you guys are always doing something behind our back or in the relationship. Do you believe in getting counseling if your relationship is rocky let me know. send me a message or request me as a friend and let me know.