Hockey, skiing, learning other languages, playing with my dog "loki" etc.
There is a song for every mood, and every situation Massive Attack, Adema, Ibiza United, Scorpions, Kick Axe, Cold, Theatre of Tragedy.
Forest Gump, Boondock Saints,
Daily Show,History channel, Military channel. I really don't have time for TV.
The Crulest Miles, Faust, Die Verwandlung, Die Hungerkunstler, Nachdenken Ueber Krista T. Grapes of Wrath, Hause of Spirits, Moby Dick, Egil's Saga, Hávamál, Tode in Venidig, Woyzeck, Homo Faber, Du fährst zu oft nach Heidelberg, Bahnwärter Thiel.
Otto von Bismarck, Karl der Grosse, Hundert Wasser, Martin Luther, Huss, the anti-Baptists, Darwin, Nietsche, Captain James Cook, Steller, F von Ranggel, Ted Stevens, Jack London, King Herald, King Adalfous, Eugen von Savoir, Wagner,Ludwig I, II.