welcome to the half-measures room!...a social lounge for those in recovery...a relaxed atmosphere and forum where we discuss topics that involve everyday life in sobriety...feel free to express your opinions and share your experience with anything involving recovery of the mind, body, and soul...i am open to adding anyone from whatever 12 step based group you may be a part of...this page was created to give those in sobriety an outlet to vent, praise, complain, explain, and even criticize what is going on the world of recovery today...this is a project in the making, so if you have anything to say about this page, feel free to let me know...the object is to subscribe to the blog and post comments on the topics...i am open to any suggestions, praises, or grievances you may have about what i'm doing here...if you are inspired by something you have read or seen throughout your journey, please tell us about it...be courteous and remember the anonymity principles...we don't want to unjustifiably arouse any suspicion, jealousy, or bitterness at the expense of another persons feelings...i post blogs regularly...subscribe and i will try my best to keep it interesting...one of the ideas behind the creation of this page is for people at myspace who are in recovery to meet each other and chat it up...so, if you have some friends here that are looking for another sobriety-related page, feel free to invite them over...also, this is less of 'my' page...it is more like 'our' page...the point is for everyone to have a hand in making it theirs...don't be shy about sending me images, movies, or even song titles you would like to see added on the playlist...be talking to you soon
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HALF MEASURES ROOM MISSION STATEMENT......to provide a casual, comfortable and safe environment where we can discuss, debate, defy or discover that which we encounter along our journey inside the recovery world...as a collaborative effort, we will participate and contribute to the forum, format and content of the page itself...never to demean, but to diffuse...not to argue, but to disagree...opting to accrue good information about sobriety, while dispelling myths and bad information, rather than spreading more untruths, gossip or suspicions of what 12 step work is all about...we pledge to invite and welcome those who wish to join us, share what we have learned along our way, and express a genuine hopefulness for what lies ahead...