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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

God bless America and thank God for our brave military personel keeping us safe and free! Just finished shooting my Iatest Movie, "The Last Days of April". Check out the IMDB page http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1247673/. I have a recurring role as Bianca's bodyguard "Carl" on ABC's All My Children. What an amazing group of people. From the biggest stars on the show down to the security staff, everyone is great. I thank you all! Last of the undying romantics. Especially in NYC. Just waiting for the right girl to come along. Money isnt a catalist for happiness and I dont need fame. Just a Broadway career! None of it matters without someone to share it with anyway. Hockey and music make my world go round. Theres nothing like a great meal prepared by a 5 star chef. Topped off with a vintage Cabernet and great company! Family is everything and I am blessed with a great one. I am fortunate to have great friends all across the country.

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Marine & Army Corp

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Sarah Palin.....Palin Handles Heckler At Rally....Palin In Estero, Florida Yesterday: "Bless your heart sir, my son is in Iraq fighting for your right to protest."Amazing! THEORY OF A DEADMAN - BAD GIRLFRIEND

My Blog

Hoe B. Hussein Obama treats the average "Joe"

Joe The Plumber asked a simple question. "Your new tax plan is going to tax me more, isn't it?" the plumber asked, complaining that he was being taxed "more and more for fulfilling the American dream....
Posted by on Thu, 30 Oct 2008 15:29:00 GMT

B. Husse in Obama wants wealt h redis tribu tion!

Thats Socia lism! That means he will take your money and decid e who gets it!Obama said, "The Supre me Court never ventu red into the issue s of redis tribu tion of wealt h and sort of more ba...
Posted by on Tue, 28 Oct 2008 05:25:00 GMT

What do Barack Hussein Obama and Osama bin Laden have in common?

They both have frien ds that bombe d the Penta gon! Barac k Husse in Obama had his polit ical caree r launc hed by Bill Ayers who on 9- 11- 2001 said "I don' t regre t setti ng bombs . . . I feel w...
Posted by on Sat, 25 Oct 2008 19:38:00 GMT

Hero's Deed Lyrics

HERO'S DEEDby Aaron LetrickMental distance, from a place that he calls homeHe fights to free them, and loves them as his ownHe hears the dark words, stories twisted, and the liesHe sees the truth get ...
Posted by on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 01:20:00 GMT