Dorsal Atlântica, thrash band from Brazil, formed in 1981. Led by Carlos Lopes (guitar/vocals) they recorded their first demo in 1982. From there they released the now famous split, Ultimatum, in 1985. Dorsal Atlântica recorded and released their first full length album, Antes do Fim, in 1986. Following the EP, Cheap Tapes From Divide and Conquer, and the single, Victory, both in '88, the band released their second full length album, Dividir & Conquistar. In 1992 was released a commemorative version of this album with all the songs in English, called Divide & Conquer.
More albums were released throughout the 90's, however this page is dedicated to their early works of the 80's.
Dorsal Atlântica is widely regarded as one of the most influential Brazilian bands. Having influenced bands such as Speultura and Korzus, and bands that followed...such as Holocausto, Vulcano, Sextrash, MX, Mutilator, etc...
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