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Hip-Hop Education is a grass-root community based nonprofit organization, dedicated to providing the youth with the necessary tools to reinforce their learning abilities to survive in this world. Who we are: Hip-Hop Education is a grass-root community based nonprofit organization, dedicated to providing the youth with the necessary tools to reinforce their learning abilities to survive in this world.Mission:The mission of Hip-Hop Education is the pursuit of the following principles:Commitment-Hip-Hop Education wants to inspire pro-social friendships, strong interpersonal skills, and instill a sense of hope in the future.Responsibility-The focus of Hip-Hop Education is to empower youth in establishing goals and following through on commitments.Possibility-Hip-Hop Education wants to expand the perspective of young people to make them aware of life's possibilities.Support-An individual is dramatically influenced by their support system. Hip-Hop Education wants to surround young people in a caring, inclusive learning environment.Vision:Our youth will pursue a successful future; have a better understanding of their developmental abilities in the areas of mental, physical and social growth, so they can make a positive contribution to their own lives, their families, their local communities and in society
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