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Hip-Hop Education

I am here for Networking

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Hip-Hop Education is a grass-root community based nonprofit organization, dedicated to providing the youth with the necessary tools to reinforce their learning abilities to survive in this world.

Who we are:

Hip-Hop Education is a grass-root community based nonprofit organization, dedicated to providing the youth with the necessary tools to reinforce their learning abilities to survive in this world.


The mission of Hip-Hop Education is the pursuit of the following principles:


Hip-Hop Education wants to inspire pro-social friendships, strong interpersonal skills, and instill a sense of hope in the future.


The focus of Hip-Hop Education is to empower youth in establishing goals and following through on commitments.


Hip-Hop Education wants to expand the perspective of young people to make them aware of life's possibilities.


An individual is dramatically influenced by their support system. Hip-Hop Education wants to surround young people in a caring, inclusive learning environment.


Our youth will pursue a successful future; have a better understanding of their developmental abilities in the areas of mental, physical and social growth, so they can make a positive contribution to their own lives, their families, their local communities and in society at-large.


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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

We would like to network with other nonprofit organization and any other organization that's interested in empowering youth and getting them off the streets.

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Hip-Hop Education is conducting a cell phone recycling fundraiser. There's nothing to buy. We are simply asking you to protect the environment by donating your used cell phones and ink jet cartridges....
Posted by on Tue, 16 May 2006 21:19:00 GMT