Ben (ENVISION) profile picture


let these shells light the sky

About Me

Life’s changed...a lot. My mates and family mean more to me than ANYTHING. I honestly don’t know where I’d be without them. When people stick by you and have your back through everything you know who your true friends are. It’s about chillin in the week n getting messy at the weekend! If your into metal check out my band Envision. Been with them for a bout a year now n its sic! Work for coca cola, pretty shit but it pays. Was planning on goin drama school but that fucked up somewhere along the lines so now just making the most of what I’ve got. I’m a very positive person n it’ll take a lot to get me in a bad mood. I look for the best in people n it’ll take something major for me to hate you. Love goin on random ones, meetin new people and seein more of the world than Milton Keynes. Gigs, raves, festivals, parties… it’s all good =) One thing I’ve learnt is you have to live for the moment. I make sure I enjoy every day & night to it’s fullest. Don’t regret anything. Keep calm and carry on. You only get one chance. Make the fuckin most of it.