About Me
If u wanna read my old "about me" go 4 it! its in my blogs. I love my friends, my family(well most of them lol)music, beautiful n intelligent women, philosophy, cultures, equality, democracy, respect, tolerance(cultural religous or whateva)open people, discussion, football, beer, bongin(past tense soon lol) prawn curries, italian food, nintendo(especially my wii), singin, playin guitar, singin while playin guitar lol, havin a banter, havin a laugh(gotta hav some play-time), buskin lol(im in no band) going 2 gigs n festivals, meetin new n different people and love itself!
I hate bigots, racists, facists, nazi's, bullies, xenophobes, the whole hearted superficial( i like a nice ass like the next guy but its only a bonus if shes got soul, both preferably lol), preachers, the kkk, jehovahs witnesse's, this neo conserative New World Order thing, lyin politicians, climate of fear, bad losers( i used 2 be 1 lol u got to learn to lose gracefully,u cant have it all,thats life), tomatoes(love ketchup), pop music($$$$$), kippers, cliched american teen movies, selfishness( arent we all guilty now n then), Man UTD(can't be explained, just like 2 c em lose lol but got good UTD friend Culv haha), and hate itself!
LOVE ALL LOVERS N HATE ALL HATERS! paradox there somewhere!
that was a short-list especially the hate list lol
HOPE U R ALL FEELIN SWELL! FEEL 3 2 ADD ME!And now its time to start a fresh!