In The Summer Of 2006,Will [Guitarist] and [Nick] drums, tried out lots of singers to complete the duos quest to make some good songs, but after will stumbled across mat [Vocals], without doubting he would make the perfect frontman he invited mat to practise, and there it happend. it clicked.After many names including
:Clairivus Narcisse
:Sadism For Dummies
:At Peace With No one.
The three of them, decided on the name 'twig'. and the three can be seen with twigs in some of their photos
Finding an equal love over metal and hard rock but still embracing the beauty
of everything alternative the three begain writting songs dealing with serius issues but making occasions such as 'the krispy kream song'.
So try us, Hates Us, Become Our Biggest Fan But Either Way Feel Free To Drop Either Us Some Chit Chat On:
[email protected] {Will}
[email protected] {Mat}
[email protected] {Nick}