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I am here for Friends

About Me

Hey I'm Cat :) or Catherine, small tree, shrub, pussy, pussy cat, kitty, kick cat or Vito and I think thats it....
I do a lot of smiling.

I am 'studying' fine art, i start uni in a few weeks

I play the piano and i own a bass witch i play poorly!.

i love a lot of music.
I mainly love screaminyourfuckingfacestuff!

I'm not fond of chavs and emos. I just don't like people who label themselves!
I label them as loosers!

I heart mohawks I would get one if didn't know I would look a tad RIDICULOUS.

I hate myspace and fackbook... so im only ever on say... once a month. yes thats right im an anti-social lame-arse.
So feel free to leave me a message that I will probably never get round to reading :)


My Interests

I'd like to meet:

someone on this damn site that isn't emo.

My Blog

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