My Blog
Jeep Patriot
So for those of you who aren't aware, I will soon be getting a new vehicle...a Jeep Patriot. I ordered it about 4 weeks ago and the salesman said it'll probably take 6-8 weeks, but could be here...
Posted by on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 01:35:00 GMT
Hard work! Hard work!
So work this week has pretty much been a nightmare. We have been really really busy and I'm drained of all my energy, thank god it's Friday. I went in yesterday and asked someone on daylig...
Posted by on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 00:22:00 GMT
8 point buck +car= not good
A few of my friends and I decided to go cosmic bowling at brunswick last night. All was well and it was a bunch of fun...even if I was bowling like Ray Charles (hey, I'm in a wheelchair give me ...
Posted by on Sun, 08 Oct 2006 09:45:00 GMT
Heart Walk '06
I went to the annual heart walk at falconi field in Washington (Home of the Washington Wild Things!) today. Rose plastic is one of the sponsors for it, so a bunch of us from work (well actually ...
Posted by on Sat, 07 Oct 2006 09:34:00 GMT
Roger Waters Concert
so my brother Brad and I went to the roger waters concert tonight, because I won VIP seats from work. And even though I don't know much Pink Floyd material I still had a blast. The show wa...
Posted by on Sun, 24 Sep 2006 23:46:00 GMT
advice from George Carlin
You know how sometimes you have a song going through your head over and over all day long, maybe for even 2 or 3 days? And it's driving you crazy because you can't get it out of your mind? ...
Posted by on Sun, 09 Jul 2006 15:34:00 GMT
I was actually happy to be at work today!
We made it a whole year at work without having a time lost incident. For a reward for doing this, work supplied us a catered dinner from a local restaurant...Plus they g...
Posted by on Thu, 25 May 2006 08:07:00 GMT
The great FL Peroney Vacation (a.k.a national lampoon vacation)
Well, I just decided to write about the FL trip my parents, brother and I went on last month, so here it goes. First off, we took my sisters SUV, because it had the most room in it out of all th...
Posted by on Mon, 15 May 2006 09:17:00 GMT