WEATHERED = DEAD profile picture


About Me

You can see Erik hitting the stage with The Bips very soon.
Bob has started something psychedelic.
Martin, maybe he'll join Bob, maybe not.. just keep an on him too!

Weathered is a Nijmegen-based hardcore band. Not a usual "standard" hardcore band. Ofcourse we are influenced by hardcore/punk bands like Cro-Mags, Discharge, Broken Bones and others, but we also take our influences from non-hardcore bands like Crowbar, Black Sabbath, Carnivore, Alice In Chains etc. With these bands in the back of our heads, we're working on songs right now.

It all started when Erik (ex-N.A.O.P. bassplayer) and Bob (ex-One Side drummer) met eachother in April 2008. Bob was asked to join the stoner/rock band Erik had. At that time, an idea for starting a downtuned hardcore band soon followed. Bob knew someone that would fit in perfectly: Martin (ex-One Side bassplayer/ex-Tube Wrench guitarplayer). Weathered was born!
As you can see, we've got three (rehearsal)songs online. A bit shitty quality and some fuck-ups, but you'll get the point! In the meantime we will keep working on new and these songs as well. Some new and better recorded songs will appear online very soon.
For contact mail to: weatheredwilldestroyyou[at]

Note: This profile is best viewed in Firefox or Safari!

Upcoming shows:
Get in touch!
Past shows:
17.01.09: w/ 1000 Miles Ahead, Progress & The Maple Room @ JC Staddijk, Nijmegen
21.12.08: Open dag Stichting PAN @ PAN, Nijmegen

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My Interests


Member Since: 31/05/2008
Band Website:
Band Members:

Erik | Throat & Bass

Bob | Battery

Martin | Throat & Strings

Pictures made by Esther Otten©

Bands: From Discharge to Crowbar and
from Broken Bones to Black Sabbath
and everything in between.

Other: Life, death, serialkillers and
mass murderers, religion, politics.

Sounds Like:

Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Weathered decided to quit!

We decided to quit.You'll see Erik hitting the stage with The Bips.Bob started something psychedelic andmaybe Martin will join him.DOOM!
Posted by on Tue, 12 May 2009 11:38:00 GMT

Recensie Staddijk-gig

Open onderstaande link voor de recensie van onze 1e show in JC Staddijk met 1000 Miles Ahead, Progress en The Maple Room.
Posted by on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 10:16:00 GMT

17th of January: Weathered's first show!

The 17th of January Weathered will perform for the first time. We will open the evening for The Maple Room, 1000 Miles Ahead & Progress @ 19.00! Be there!
Posted by on Sun, 11 Jan 2009 09:15:00 GMT

Zanger & (slag)gitarist gezocht!

Wij zijn op zoek naar een zanger en (slag)gitarist! Op dit moment zijn er hier 2 nummers te beluisteren, maar zijn er ondertussen zo'n 7 nummers klaar. Er wordt gerepeteerd bij Stichting PAN te Nijmeg...
Posted by on Sat, 13 Dec 2008 14:58:00 GMT