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About Me

"Tamacun" Rodrigo y Gabriela
Places i want to will visit:
For the next 2 and a half years i will be completing the rest of my games design degree, as soon as ive finished my degree... well im still unsure what im gona do. I could try and get a TEFL qualification, and get paid to teach kids English all over the world. Then again, im not to sure if thats the right thing for me. What i do know is i wont be going straight into a career or any full-time job. I'm not the kinda guy to be setteling down and worrying about mortgages and shit in my early 20's.In the meantime im gona finish my games degree here in swansea, and in the summer, instead of going home and doing f0ck all im gonna travel as much as possible - i wont always have student loans n grants to bum off.
I used to spend most weekends out with the lads throwin meself onto the dancefloor(not so much since av bin in Swansea, gota watch the dosh). These days i spend a lot of time in the halls, either chillin out, or hammering the uni work (honest). I also dont mind doing random things like walking down the beach at 1 a.m, owning 8 year old kids in lazer quest, or gettin my c-walk on in monkey bar.
Its so true, but hey its only 1 day, no big deal...... right? :p .. Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds

My Interests

3-0 to the mighty blues!
Swansea mutha fucka
Swan Z
My general interest is travel, from playin footy on the great wall of china to russia, swimming in pools of vodka.

I'd like to meet:

Who would i like to meet... I wana meet anyone and everyone, people from different places, different cultures, different languages, whatever the fook, just new interesting peeps.


Lyrical beast!

The dood himself

Differnt types, i cant say exactly what music i like because i dont know... different types of hip-hop from all around the globe, r'n'b, rap, reggae... whatever shit you can feel.
yano the shit that hits you and you feel no pain.
thats tha shit. :) (quote from "J-Swiss")


Anchorman, Bruce Allmighty cos im a huge jim carey fan and him 'n' will ferrell are the gods of comedy movies.

You Got Served


Soccer AM....dats about it... TV SUCKS!
I like stand-up comedy tho, Lee Evans is a beast, especially the XL tour... ledge


I should read more, when i do start reading, its actually not bad, but stupid time-wasting shit lures me away.
I'm trying to make the whole "taking everyday for granted" thing sink in a bit more... instead of wasting time doing pointless stupid shit, try and use it for more useful and constructive stuff, and that doesnt just mean reading books.. nah mean


Duncan Ferguson :)
Seriously tho, i dont have any heroes as such, but i do have respect for a lot of people. I like the people who are open minded, and think out of the box, people who see life differently, and dont stick with the crowd. I tend to look up to most people who have this mentality, and spending time with them is usually a pleasure. Especially the people who are so open-minded they beleive money is worthless, so they give it all to me.
On a random note, i have bags of respect for people who can draw some amazing shit just from imagination. Whenever i try it, i fail miserably, so for them peeps... you got skills, you little bitches.
finally on a completely different topic if you look below this it says im in the "X - Factor" group which is total bs cus not only do i hate it, i never added myself 2 tha group! :/
p.s and if ur wondering why i dont change it, i dont know how/cant be bothered.