So Much I can't list them but alot is with music
Survey about your boyfriend
Favorite thing about your boyfriend?: His Laugh
What color are his eyes?: Brown
What color is his hair?: Brown
Whats his favorite color?: Blue (navy)
Whats his favorite movie?: Pornos and Rap battles
When your alone what do you do?: Anything we please (hehehe)
Whens his birthday?: April 19
Whats his nationality?: African American
Does he play any sports?: yup Football
Whats his favorite number?: 44
Does he like candles?: yeah
Ever done anything kinky?: i am not at liberty to say
Taken a shower together?: next question
Are you in love?: yup we better be
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You've been totally Bzoink*d
name Brianna
date of birth 08.23.89
hOmetOwn philly
eyez brown
hair brown
height 5'6 3/4"
natiOnality African American
weaknesses ahem next question
fears fire
wat dO u wanna dO b4 u die opera singer
wats ur mOst used saying Huh???
wat r u thinking rite nOw What in the Hell was he thinking?
wAt kInd oF jEanS r U weArinG rIte nOw none boxer from cat in the hat
beDtiMe now of days 12:05
wAts uR fAv kInd oF cofFee french vanilla cappucino
dO u dO dRuGs nope
dO u gEt dRuNk oFf uR aSs nope ok just christmas, newyears, birthday, saturdays..........
dO yOu CuRsE PpL oUt yup
dO u SiNg iN the ShOwEr yup
dO u lIke nApOleOn dYnaMitE yup
dO u hAve kIds nope
dO u bEliEve iN uRseLf yup
dO u tHinK uR hOtt yup
r U coOl wIt uR pArEntS yup except not dad
aRe yOu A HoLLabAcK gIrl i guess
hOw mAnY tImEs hAvE yOu bEEn iN LoVe once
wats ur fetish ice cubes
dO yOu lIkE GwEn StEfAnI yeah i guess but no doubt better
wHeRe Do U cHiLL anywhere i don't get kicked out of
whOs ur best friend uhhhhh i can't choose ok, jasmine
whOs the hOttest persOn u knO slaer
r u cOnsidered a tease yup
r u a dumb blOnde((or shOuld b 1)) dipsy sometimes
ever been beaten up nope
wat dO u wanna b wen u grOw up successful
are u randOm yup where is the pie????????????????/
are u cOnceited no i have never been told that
dO yOu DaNcE wen nO1 is watching yup
nicknames bri bri, briann, oldie, loser, weirdo (thats what people always call me)
cOlOr purple any shade
sOng your body Pretty Ricky
bAnd/siNger Ginuwine Jill Scott
braNd Aeropostale, Urban Outfitters, Old Navy
cAnDy Kit kat Mr. Goodbar
sPoRt football (hut hut)
sCeNt Victoria Secret sprays
nUmBer 1,17,8, 23,7
tV sHow America's Next Top Model
mOviE Dirty Dancing
cartOon cHaraCterS Spongebob Squarepants
snEakErs Converse
cAr 1965 Gt Mustang Convertible
iCe cReaM Chocolate
wHo. .
maKes U lAuGh Anjela Je'nae Mom
makEs U sMiLe Jack nate
cAn aLways mAke U fEEl gOOd Mom Jack
dO u trUst tHe mOst Auntie Al Kenisha Jasmine
dO U tHiNk abOut the MosT Jack
is tHe crAziesT Me
bLonDest Me except not blonde
fLirtiest Me and Brittany
hAve U kNowN the lonGest Eugene and Jessica
hAs tHe mOst cLassEs wiTh yOu Anjela and Nate
iN tHe PaSt mOnTh HaVe YoU...
sMoKed Nope
gOt DrUnK nope
kIsSeD sOmEoNe yup
mEt SoMeOnE nEw yup
bOuGhT nEw ShOeS nope
bEEn tO tHe HoSpiTaL nope
gOnE tO tHe MoViEs yup
cRaShEd A pRoM nope
sLaPPeD sOmEoNe yup
bEEn To A dAnCe yup
kIsSeD a sTraNgEr nope
dItcHed skOoL classes
beEn 2 a cOncErt nope
dId U tHiNk ThIs SuRvEy wAs SeXi yup very sexy
I Love everything about music especially the rhythms and beats, anything i can shake my groove thing to.
Dirty Dancing....Bebe's kids Alot of memories with that....Bad Boys I & II and many more i will put in at a later date
Ultimate Opposite Sex Survey (for girls)
--Your Favorite--
Hair Color:: Brown To Red
Eye Color:: any no big deal just not glassy
(Their)Music Genre Preference:: R&B and rap, Hip Hop
Height(estimate):: Over 5'8"
Age:: Over 16 no cradle robbing
Personality Type:: funny but serious, gangsta but romantic + smart
--This or That--
Older or Younger:: older
Romantic or Horndog:: romantic
Smart or Stupid:: smart i feel like i am repeating myself
Fat or Skinny:: Athletic
Skinny but Muscular or Big and Muscular:: either or
Punk or Preppy:: preppy but street
The Big Picture or the Little Things:: little picture things
Flowers/Candy or Big Expensive Present:: flowers and a card for no reason
Mixtape or Burned CD:: both
Love or Lust:: mixture
Emotional or Just Not:: emotional but not sappy
Sincere or Jokester:: both
Hott and mean or Ugly and sweet:: neither
Sexy or Just Cute:: sexy and cute too
Arse or Abs:: Abs
Hair or Hands:: hands
Dimples or Eyes:: eye both dimples help
Biceps or Calves/Thighs:: calves/thighs
Teeth or Nose(some people are just wierd) :: teeth
Clean Shaven or Scruffy:: clean shaven or trimmed well
Rugged or Prim and Proper:: both
Countryboy or Cityboy: city boy
Date alone or With Friends: alone
Mama's Boy or Rebel Without A Cause:: neither
--Have You Ever--
Dumped a guy because he liked you too much:: yup
Loved a guy because he stalked you:: nope
Loved a guy because he hated you:: sort of
Asked your friend's crush out:: nope
Lead a guy on for kicks:: nope
Asked a guy out purely because he was hott:: yup
Flirted with guys even though you had a boyfriend:: yup
Lied about not having a boyfriend:: nope
Lied about having one:: hmmmmmm???????????? to get away from weirdos
Cheated:: nope not my thing
Been Cheated on:: if so good job creepin
Had a crush on a gay guy:: don't know
--Their Clothing(yes/no)--
Boxers?:: yup
Briefs?:: nope
Hat?:: yup
Skater Shoes?:: nope
Pimp Shoes?:: nope unless sunday
Band Shirts?:: dunno
Vintage shirts?:: yup
Southpole/um..other thug clothes..?:: yup
Dixie Outfitters/Big Johnsons?:: huh?
Independent/DC?:: huh?
S&M/Little Devil?:: Huh?
Fox/Thor?:: Huh?
Jeans or Shorts?:: yup
--Be Honest--
Would you ever date a guy for his money?:: maybe but i still had to like him for other reasons
Would you ever date a guy for his social status?:: nope unless i became a golddigger
Have you ever liked hanging out with your bf's friends more than him?:: yup
Have you ever pretended to like somebody to make them feel better?: nope
Have you called a girl a whore, when you were screwing lots of guys?:: never screwed multiple guys at a time
Do looks matter?:: sort of
Are you honestly scared of being dumped?:: yeah
Does size matter?:: of what? hmmmm?
Do you avoid 'situations' with ugly guys?:: nope
Are you ashamed to be seen with your ugly friends?:: nope i don't keep ugly friends
Are you ashamed for being ashamed?(you better be):: not ashamed because i am not ashamed
Do you hide things from your crushes/guy friends/bf?:: depends
Do you lie about masturbation for attention or false innocence?:: uhhhhhh
Do you really want a guy to say if those jeans make your butt look fat?:: depends on who it is
Are you dissapointed when your bf doesn't say I love you right away?:: nope because he said it first anyway
Wanna be a virgin till marriage?: wish
Do you really love the guys everytime that you say it?: yup unless it is flirting
Do you dream about your crushes/bfs/guy friends?:: yup
Would you makeout with a guy friend just to get it over with/curiosity?:: depends
Does this survey suck nuts?: two pair
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You've been totally Bzoink*d
Bis forBewitching
Ris forRadiant
Iis forIndustrious
Ais forActive
Nis forNaughty
Nis forNaive
Ais forAmazing
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