The band formed roughly around the summer of 2003 in the most improvised fashion imaginable, when Shawn Staub, then 18, bought a drumset with the intent of not playing them himself, but having them available for practice once a drummer was actually acquired. Low and behold, several days after the drums arrived, 2 local neighborhood kids would walk in and change everything. Tyler Miller, 14, who had only been playing a year for his school band, sat down in the chair and started betting away at the set, not knowing what the hell he was doing, but doing far better than anyone else there. Shawn got out his guitar and started playing some lyics he had written prior with Tyler laying some simple beats down. Meanwhile, Joey Miller, 16, jumped in on an acoustic guitar laying down the bass lines (because back then, he didnt even own a bass!) It was at that moment that a band was born. The project was first called Bleed Over, although it would go through several changes before settling on Original Sin. After a month or two of playing and laying down songs, a second guitarist was needed. It was then Shawn called an old school buddy, Brian Utt, 20, who he had jammed with before and written a song or two with prior to the formation of the band. Now with Brian on the scene, the band had an awesome solo monster to give the band that missing flesh ripping element. The band continued for a year until Shawn left for college in Morgantown, unfortunately dispensing the band completely. Several months later, he dropped out as so many at WVU do and returned to Charles Town. Tyler, Joey, and Brian rejoined the band and began searching for a singer. After several disappointments and tramatic auditions, a singer was found in the most unlikely of places. Shawn's little brother, James, had a natural talent not only for singing, but also for growling and live performance. Now with a singer, Original Sin has began a write fully completed works of music that it plans on sharing with the rest of the world. Help us show all these fuckers that metal is still alive and well and ready to tear the skin off anyone in its way. Rock on!!!
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