The Orangutans profile picture

The Orangutans

About Me

Honestly, this may need some revision.As I remember it Soll and Snykkers came over from England on a banana boat, seeking fame and fortune in the music business. Landing in the caribbean somewhere, . . . wye realized that the exposure to fine food , fine drink, and the Afro-Cuban beats best stay with our new caribbean friends. Realizing that we would never become Herb Albert and the Tijuana Brass, we stayed with our own brand of Chinese/Dutch Americana, that was gaining in popularity among the kids.

My Interests


Member Since: 30/05/2008
Band Members: Brain Montgomery vox, D-Rock guitar, Chuck-Divey keys, Bro-Ha Texas Ranger Walker skins, and Johnny Spectra-Funky Croft-a-licious bass
Influences: too too much. I'd have to start with: The Beatles and Frank Zappa
Sounds Like: A pilot of a british cartoon that was never made into a series.
Record Label: John Hancock

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