(Translated by American)
AZW wrestler.
Finisher: Crane Kick
Favorite moves: Shoryuken, Hundred Hand Slap, Torpedo Headbutt, Blanka Ball, Balrog (Vega) Flying German Suplex, Vega (M. Bison) stomp, Yoga Nugi, Zangief Spinning Clothesline, Super Taunt, Gairu Fureez, Drum Technique, Kata.
Likes: Martial Arts, Nunchuks, practicing Shoryuken under waterfall
Dislikes: Spiders, balloons
Belt: White
Learned English from watching Van Damme, Daniel-san, and other 80s martial art movies.
Came to Hawaii by accident.
Kenryu: "Like all Takadoki, Kenryu was fisherman. Love fishing. Love sake. Then one day, strong wind, strong sun, strong sake...but no fish. One day, Kenryu fall asleep off coast of Japan, wake up off coast Waipahu."body {
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