Nizhonigo Hataal profile picture

Nizhonigo Hataal

About Me

Ya'at'eeh my relatives. I'm called Rodge "Kinyaa'aanii' Blake. My Clans; Kinyaa'aanii nishli, doo Honaghaahnii ba shishchiin, Todic'ii'nii ei da shiCheii, doo Tachii'nii ei da shiNali. I am a member of the great Dine' (Navajo) Nation. I am orginally from Cow Springs/Tonalea, Arizona and now residing at Tonaneesdizi,Tuba City, Arizona. I grew up herding sheep and raised by my grandmother,'A He Nas Bah' Jim. Education; Attended Boarding and Indian School- graduated from Albuquerque Indian School, and Northern Arizona University. Singing , Art, and writing Poetry are my enjoyments. I compose Azaa biyin, Nidaa' Sin, Contemporary Native songs, children songs, etc.. Future plans is have them recorded and written down for educational usages and enjoyments. SPECIAL NOTE: Encouraging Shi Nali WILTRINA LORI to express herself through this Spiritual Way of Singing. WELCOME to 'My Music Space'.

My Interests


Member Since: 30/05/2008
Band Members: The Blakes Family have had been the members of Native American Church and Azee Bee Nahagha of Dine' Nation since I could remember. My brother, Eric, and I have been composing NAC Spiritural Songs for many years. Mainly we kept them in the family. We utilize these songs in a very inspirational ways and it keeps us in a harmonious wayz with the Great Creator. I hope and pray that more Spiritual singers and musians in joining us with their music. Music, Art and Poetry are the soul of Native American and other people who LOVE and understands the most inner divine feeling of self. 'HOZHO'.
Influences: Influenced by my forefathers and elders. My grandparents were medicinepersons. They sang to heal and lead the way to a better life. Special impressions and inspirations comes from Albert Johnson of Ganada, Arizona, and George & Larry Butler. Also from the late; Truman Dailey, Omer Begay Sr., Sam Besset, and Herman Whiterabbit, Carl Butler, and Hanson Ashley. Other influences are; Native America singers, NAC members & singers, Pow Wow groups & members, Traditional chanters, Native youth groups & clubs, College Native Ameican Clubs, etc... Latest admirers; Blackhorse Mitchell, Davis Mitchell, Louie Gonnie, Joe Tohannie Jr., Jay Begay, Anthoney Betoney, Randy Wood and R. Carlos Nakia...

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