hedoi etxarte profile picture

hedoi etxarte

About Me

(BASQUE) 1986an Iruñean jaioa. Ia sei urte zituela hasi zen biolina ikasten, Joaquin Maya Udal Musika Eskolan lehenik eta Pablo Sarasate Kontserbatorio Profesionalean ondoren. Egun Nafarroako Goi Mailako Kontserbatorioan da ikasle David Perezekin. Aurretiaz Abel Lumbreras edo George Nicholescurekin ikasteko parada izan du, hala nola Anna Radomska, Fermín Ansó edo Maribel Embunekin. Zangoza, Yamagutxi, Tokio, Guangzhou, Zibo, Yamnen, Berlin, Bydgozscs, Torun, Olsztyn, Granada, Kordoba, Elizondo, Donostia, Bilbo, Gasteiz edo Idiazabalen jotzeko aukera izan du. Besteak beste EGO, JOPS, Syntagma Musicum edo Nafarroako Erreinuko Kameratarekin aritu da. Grabaketei dagokienez Syntagma Musicum taldearekin Olivako Monastegian arien diska bat grabatu zuen, EGOrekin Etxeberriaren Antso Azkarra kantata eta azken aldian Fermin Muguruzarekin Mirant al Cel luzemetraiaren soinu bandan parte hartzeko parada izan du. Grabaketa Garaten egin zen otsailean Kaki Arkarazoren gidaritzapean eta Oskar Benas edo Karlos Osinaga bezalako musikarien partaidetzarekin. Apirilan Gelditu AHT! abestiaren grabaketan parte hartu zuen Azkaraten Angel Katarainen zuzendaritzapean, tartean Afro-Basque Fire Brigadeko kideak zirelarik.(ENGLISH) Hedoi Etxarte was born in Iruña/Pamplona, Basque Country, in 1986. He began studying the violin at the age of 6 in the City Music School. Nowadays, he finishes his studies in the High Music School of Navarre with professor David Perez. He studied aswell with Abel Lumbreras, George Nicholescu, Anna Radomska, Fermín Ansó and Maribel Embún.He played in the Basque Country (Zangoza, Elizondo, Kursaal in Sant Sebastian-Donostia, Euskalduna in Bilbao, Principal in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Pampelona and Idiazabal), in China (Canton, Zibo and Yamnen), in Japan (Yamaguchi and Tokyo), in Berlin, in Spain (Logroño, Granada, Cordoba) and in Poland (Bydgozscs, Torun and Olsztyn). He was member 6 times of the Basque Country Young Orchester, he played in the Young Sarasate Orchester, in Syntagma Musicum and in the Camerate of Navarre's Kingdom.He had the pleasure to record a concert in Oliva with Syntagma Musicum, a cantata from Etxeberria with the Basque Country Young Orchester aswell as a soundtrack for ETB (Basque Public Television). He recently recorded an original soundtrack with Fermin Muguruza (Kortatu, Negu Gorriak) in the movie Mirant al Cel. The soundtrack was recorded by Kaki Arkarazo (Negu Gorriak) and musicians like Oskar Benas (Dub Manifest, Afro-Basque Fire Brigade, The Solanos) or Karlos Osinaga (lisabö). Last April he recorded the song Gelditu AHT! against speed train's imposition in the Basque Country. It was recorded by Angel Katarain in Azkarate (north of Navarre) and many musicians from Muguruza's Afro-Basque Fire Brigade were there.

My Interests


Member Since: 30/05/2008
Band Website: http://www.fotolog.com/hedoi_ilur
Band Members:
Influences:wagner, xostakovitx, txaikovski, ravel, sarasate, stravinski, mahler, brahms, bach, pink floyd, negu gorriak, mano negra, the clash, lisabö, amanda woodward, sed non satiata, zsk, itoiz, yes, the doors, rolling stones, anari, mikel laboa, fermin muguruza, petti, manu chao, django reinhard, duke hellington, andoni egaña, tracy chapman, benjamin biolay, vincent delerm, brassens, edith piaf, barbara, joan baez, guridi, velvet underground, vivaldi, bukowski, jacques prevert, louis aragon, breton, chirico, modigliani, picasso, paul eluard, koldo izagirre, houellebecq, pantxoa ta peio, joseba tapia, ruper ordorika, nietzsche, ignacio ramonet, marcuse, rosa luksenburg, theodor adorno, hobwsman, ramones, txirri mirri ta txiribiton, mikel aramendi, gabriel aresti, beethoven, sibelius, camaron de la isla, léo férré, bertolt brecht, agota kristof, alain soral, malcom X, albert pla, slavoj zizek

Record Label: aus_Art/ Nafarroako Gobernua/ Talka Records/ ...
Type of Label: Indie

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