people, i love to watch them and analize every move they make. i want to understand why they are who they are and what made then that way.
someone that i can count on, who is trust worthy. i've come to find that no matter how well you know some one it is still a risk to trust them. someone whos words and actions go hand in hand and rarely contradict one and other.
i love it all.. most of my CD's are mixes that my friends have made for me, music they like.. every mood has its song
i recently realized i cant pick my favorite movies because i havent seen enough of them.. thanks netfliks but i can safely say that anything with Jonny Deep in it i pretty much love!!
nick at night and adult swim
humm... books, i'm not sure but i think the only book i really finished was the millionares, and please do not ask me who wrote it
myself, dammit i have pulled through many things that i never thoguhT possibleIF GOD PUTS ME TO IT, HE'LL PULL ME THROUGH IT